

Sustainable business

Transcargo is active in a wide variety of fields within the framework of sustainable and green business - not only within our own operational management, but also in projects we undertake with our clients.

Lean & Green

Lean & Green is a sustainable logistics initiative for which we have already implemented various measures in our business. We are currently working on a new lighting plan. Our branch in Roermond is replacing all their lighting with LED lights. This will reduce CO2 emissions by no less than 40%!

Working with our clients

We've offered one of our major clients a solution to efficiently and profitably transport and process their residual product. This residue consists of voluminous foam that can be recycled into a new product. Because we take consignment of this product, we have had special catchment containers made which we pick up several times a day. We then compress the foam and ready it for transport to the consumer.
A Danish inventor has found a way to make an interesting product from this residual foam: a kind of mattress for cows that, when they lie on them, makes them produce more milk!
We now have two to three lorries that drive to Denmark with compressed foam on board. When compared to the old situation, our current operation is much more efficient and streamlined and we’ve managed to reduce our CO2 emissions by 33%.

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