

Greek export on the rise

We regularly include Greece in our newsletters and this time is no different. Recent figures from the Greek statistics bureau reveal that Greek export is on the rise: Greece witnessed a 5.1% increase in export in 2012 compared to the previous year.

Import, just like export excluding trade in oil products, fell by 6%. Export rose to 17 billion euros last year while import figures fell to 30.2 billion euros. These figures did not include import and export in service sectors. The export of goods is an important source of revenue for the ailing Greek government.

Recent data has also shown a reverse in import and export trends for December 2012. While export fell by 13.4%, import figures rose by 2.3%.

For more information on transport to and from Greece, please contact Kitty Hendrix by phone on +31(0)475 37 12 13 or by email at

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